The Department of Social Protection (DSP) now provide an online appointment service via in order for an individual to attend his local DSP office to obtain a PPS Number or a Public Service Card. Once the appointment is made, he should print the notification and bring it to his appointment with the required documents listed in the notification. Appointments can also be rescheduled or cancelled online.
The ROS and paper version of the P45 has been revised for 2017 to include:
A PRSI Exemption Indicator for those employees who are exempt from paying PRSI in Ireland. This should not be used for those insurable under Class M.
A USC Exemption Indicator for those employees who are exempt from USC (i.e. where Revenue has issued a PC2 to an employer containing a USC Exemption Indicator)
Increased options for pay frequency (0 = weekly, 1 = fortnightly, 2 = monthly, 3 = 4 weekly and 4 = other) similar to the entries on a P60.
The ROS version of the P45 is available since 27th November 2016, and an updated paper copy (blue version) will be available in early December.